Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dakota Johnson Portrait - Suspiria (2018)

I am a big fan of the new Suspiria film starring Dakota Johnson and I really wanted to try and paint a portrait of her.  Portraits are one of my weaknesses as an artist so this was certainly a challenge.  I first did a line drawing using a col-erase blue pencil.  The paper is coldpress watercolor paper and all the paint is transparent.  I only used five colors - primary cyan, permanent violet dark, dioxazine purple, alizarin crimson hue and primary yellow.  I don't think I nailed the likeness, but I still learned a lot painting it.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Page 21 and Page 22 Finished Illustrations

I finished both of these recently, forgot to post them here.  I am almost finished with all the interior pages - just four more to go!  After the interior pages are done, I have five more illustrations to complete which includes the covers, dedication and title page.  Almost done!  I hope to have most of my book completed before I begin teaching fall classes.  I want to have my kickstarter up and ready to go sometime this fall.