Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Page 13 Finished Illustration

I'm really happy with the way this page turned out.  It scanned well, I only had to adjust the yellow-oranges in the scan.  I'm getting a rhythm going with these and I seem to be finishing them at a rate of one illustration every 2 weeks or so.  I have about 16 weeks of teaching to get through as well before I am free for the summer.  Fridays and Saturdays are strictly for creating lesson plans for classes, the remaining days are used to focus on getting these illustrations finished.  I should have 19 or 20 illustrations done when the school year is over.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Page 12 Finished Illustration

I finished this illustration last night.  So far I think it is my favorite one.  I had a lot of fun with the color theory and it scanned really well.  I only had to adjust the blue-greens and yellow-greens.  For some reason turquoise always scans as a de-saturated blue and yellow-green always scans more green than yellow.  Yellow-green also scans much more saturated.  The adjustment layers were easy to do this time, much easier than the previous ones.  What you see in this scanned image is remarkably close to the original art.  Onto page 13!