This painting is 24" by 30", fluid acrylics on canvas. I only used transparent paint - no opaques. This is for the Elements show. This painting represents water although the color choices I made do look rather fiery.
This painting is 24" by 30", fluid acrylics on canvas. I only used transparent paint - no opaques. This is for the Elements show. This painting represents water although the color choices I made do look rather fiery.
Our plein air painting group went to downtown Duluth to do some painting. I spent a little over four hours painting the tree. Later in the evening, I started on the background by referencing photos. I finished the painting on Saturday evening. Really it is a plein air painting and studio painting hybrid. I thoroughly enjoyed painting this tree and I am glad it took no more than two days to complete.
We will be painting at Stone Mountain park next!
This painting is 9.25" by 15", fluid acrylics on cold press watercolor paper. It is the 14th painting I have completed this year as well as the last of the year. Happy New Year everyone!